A Community of
Faith, Knowlege, & Service.
Our Science Program is based on the Gospel message: the human person and the planet are creations that are valuable and deserve respect and care. The planet and the human person are the basic elements in the science curriculum. The science teacher has the opportunity and responsibility to provide information and share scientific and Christian values that will direct the students toward an awareness of their roles as co-creators and caretakers of this planet and the universe. The teacher has the opportunity to provide instruction, activities, and experiments that will stress the interdependence of human beings with one another and with the universe. Students are evaluated within their capacity to develop a grasp of scientific facts and processes as well as to make value judgments in the areas of science and technology. Tests, experiments, reports, research projects, discussions are the tools used by the teacher to evaluate the students. Goals: At the end of eight years of study, the student will: - begin to recognize the interdependence of all things in our world - acquire the necessary skills and develop the values to live as a committed and active Christian teenager in a society which is both scientifically and technologically advanced - recognize the scientific method and apply it to problem-solving situations.